Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Malaga, Spain ǀ 2015

I'm sure everyone has been expecting this post for a while due to my posting on Twitter and Instagram about my trip to Spain last week. This was so much fun because I went with my friend Clare and we spent a whole week together exploring Malaga and taking pictures. I don't think I've ever been on holiday with a friend and without my family before but I did really enjoy this. You'd expect your first holiday away from family to be wild (lads on tour! lads! lads! lads!) but no. We decided to spend our free time, when given the independence to go out for a meal together, in the flat eating cereal and watching TV. What a sad person I am. I hope I get opportunity to go again sometime because there was plenty to do there and no possibility of boredom. Malaga reminded me a little bit of Chamonix and a little bit of Mostar (click HERE) for some reason, even though it was very different from both. I loved it. 

Being vegetarian I was worried before leaving about what I was going to eat. I can remember me, Pia and my mum sitting in the car and me asking if eggs existed in Spain. Someone replied "That depends if there is a Spanish chicken" so I then spent the journey home imagining a chicken in a flamenco dress, one wing up, one wing down saying "Olaayyy... an egg!". I feel like everyone has to have a moment where their own insanity is highlighted, even if they don't confess it on a blog. Anyway... I hope you appreciate these photos, I had to click through so many to choose them and I still don't think I've seen all of them. As ever, more photos of the trip are on Instagram if you would like to see them. All the photos of me are taken by Clare so I should probably give credit to her now, for spending so long making me seem slightly more photogenic! I promise that is very rare skill.

Meet Clare btw
Just saying: Spanish eggs do exist. I had a lot of potato omelet there so I'd know. 

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