I know that judging by the title of this post, it seems like quite possibly the lamest thing that I could have ever chosen to make my first blog post in a long while about. Considering how I have spent time in Poland fairly recently also, it does seem like quite an uninteresting and potentially boring "Welcome Back" post now that my exams have finally finished. Anyway, it is what it is: my textiles coursework, and incidentally one of the reasons I have not spent nearly enough time on here this year (I'll write about Poland soon for those that would perhaps find that more engaging).
Since Snowboarding in Easter until about a month afterwards, this was what I spent so much of my free time on. As one of the briefs for the coursework was "child's play", I decided to make a Cinderella fancy dress costume for children aged two to five. Preferably this all should have been completed over the course of a year while I was in year ten however, it erm, wasn't somehow and to be quite honest I am not entirely certain that passing textiles (with four weeks to cram coursework and only a day of revision for the theory exam) is likely. It reached the stage where my teacher was telling me she was having nightmares about sending my coursework off with a score of 6/100. At the time of parents evening it was scoring eight out of a hundred, when I sent it off a few weeks later it had reached 88/100. I am proud of what I made though regardless, and I will post pictures of the folder I did for it whenever I get it back. Until then, I have only the photos of the completed dress and pictures of the process behind it. It is a reversible costume so that on one side there is the ball gown and the Cinderella rags are on the other side.
At least I'm blogging about a more visual and interesting subject and not uploading all of my english essays or anything, although I did grow to kind of hate textiles when working my way through a tedious two folders of work. When I get my art back, I will upload photos of that also because that was the other main creative subject I chose to take and also something I have been spending time on often over the past few months.I don't think people realise how much work is actually involved for more creative subjects, it does take up a considerable amount of time that you could be using in order to revise for your more academic subjects. I was the only one in my school to take art, textiles and then nine science exams in one year so, I just have to hope that the intense coursework and last-minute approach to this hasn't affected the rest of my results. My word of advice to anyone taking a more creative subject would be to stay on top of the coursework. This could have been very easy if I'd done that.

The photos below are the same finished dress modelled on a two year old and on a six year old.
In the end, I got an A* for this and won the textiles award of the year.