Saturday, 10 February 2018

A Mini Lush Review

Although the whole world is probably very, very familiar with the contents of a 'Lush' shop, the vast variety of heavenly-scented products can sometimes be overwhelming. I know that I, myself, have walked into one of their stores many times and been at a loss as to where to begin. Therefore I have decided to pick out my favourite three products this month and share them with you, to save you trawling through three million different bath bombs and balms.

For those that read my Blog frequently, you will no doubt have come across this particular massage bar before. The 'Each Peach (And Two's A Pair) Massage Bar' maintains it's year-long place in my beauty bag thanks to its moisturising and energising properties. As a huge fan of citrus scents, I adore the combination of lime, mandarin, grapefruit and sweet wild orange. This concoction of oils I find to have an uplifting effect, perfect for applying after a shower to get you ready for your day.

Besides moisturising, exfoliation is another method successfully used to obtain smooth skin. The 'Pumice Powder Foot Soap' rubs away that second layer of dry skin on your feet, to leave a smooth finish. For my own feet I personally prefer a harsher exfoliator, however many people will view the soft feeling of this soap to be an advantage. The orange scent leaves your feet feeling refreshed and a noticeable difference is identifiable after a few uses. 

Although I have remained unquestionably loyal to my 'Each Peach' massage bar for years, I cannot deny that this 'Scrubee' Body Butter is extremely close to taking its place at number one. It is fairly new to 'Lush' and I highly recommend you try it out. The smell is the thing I feel obliged to mention first. It has an overall sweetness (good enough to eat) with an underlying honey fragrance. The effect is divine. You apply it to wet skin when in the shower and not only does it moisturise, it exfoliates too. I love how you can feel the grains against your skin, because then you can tell it is working properly. Unlike most bath products which seem to leave your skin as you leave the water, this keeps you feeling silky smooth all day.

Which Lush products should I try out next?

Saturday, 3 February 2018

How to Make a Terrarium

A Terrarium is defined as an enclosed indoor garden typically made of glass so strictly speaking, this isn't one. However, whether you wish to construct a real terrarium or just one like I have created, the principles are the same.

 You will need: a container, gravel/pebbles, sphagnum moss, activated charcoal, soil and plants. All of which can be found in garden centres or online. This can easily be done within an hour and is a simple, fun way of spending an afternoon.Your typical online terrarium can range from less than £5 to about £100 so this is really a skill worth acquiring. 

Deciding upon a container is the first step in creating your own. This stage is crucial as it determines the overall aesthetic of your finished product. Popular shapes include prisms, globes or glass fishbowls like the one I have selected. If you wish to save money, plastic fishbowls intended for drinking are available at Poundland and Morrisons for a fraction of the price. They provide a similar outcome.

The process is very similar to creating the Christmas gifts I have blogged about previously (click HERE for a more detailed and clearly illustrated version). The first required layer is the gravel. This acts as a drainage system as the container does not have a hole like a typical plant pot. about 1/3 of your layers should be dedicated to this.

To prevent mould forming, and to keep the terrarium healthy, activated charcoal is vital. A thin layer should be added on top of your drainage system.

Many are of the opinion that Sphagnum moss should precede this layer of soil in order to soak up water at the bottom, however it is not of the utmost importance. As long has you have both layers you should be okay. I choose for this terrarium to add the soil first.

Your plants come next. I chose one little aloe plant and two others. I will have to replant these when they get too big for my container. It is easy to look up online which plants are suitable for a terrarium and choose accordingly, whichever takes your fancy. Though I wouldn't recommend overcrowding it; each plant needs sufficient room for it's roots.

Finally I added the moss as a more decorative element. The sphagnum moss aids in soaking up water for the plant to use as required, it makes it harder for you to overwater and drown them. Currently these plants live happily on my windowsill and have added a pleasant element of nature to my room. Despite being relatively easy to create, the effect is wonderful.