Thursday, 26 March 2015

Memories March: New York

Wow. This is a hard one to begin. As all the Memories March's so far have been really, really long, I will try my best to keep this one really short. I don't want to bore anyone! When our taxi pulled up outside the hotel we were going to be staying in, we all sort of looked sideways at each other. There were posters peeling of the walls and scaffolding up the sides of the grimy looking building. It basically looked like we had pitched up outside some kind of drug den. But it was okay, we had stayed in worse places on our adventures and, after all, this was New York! It was going to be worth it anyway! As it transpired, the inside of our room was actually really nice. It had its own style. It was a fairly big room, painted pale purple with a wooden, four poster bed in the middle. There were no curtains hanging from it, it just contributed to the over all funky looking theme it had going on. 

I think it was on the first day that we had an explore. We crossed Brooklyn bridge on that day. I recall spending a lot of time in whole foods and meeting a lot of very friendly people. Everyone was so talkative which made us feel really welcome. At some point we went on a boat past the Statue of Liberty, went up a building called Top of the Rock where, you were able to get a great view of Central Park and the Empire State Building all in one. We also became very familiar with the shops, especially Macy's. This may appear a really strange thing to remember but, in Victoria's Secret in the changing rooms, every two minuets a lady would knock on the door, making you jump, and ask "Everything Okay Ma'am?". You'd have to answer with your head stuck half in and half out of the outfit you were trying to try on. 

Times Square wasn't as brightly lit as the movies make out but, then again, I was only able to see it in day time. There was a big screen though that was really cool. It was like a camera you could see yourself and the rest of the zoomed out view of the square on, and every five minuets it would zoom in on some people and they'd wave at the screen. It was so much fun. I wanted to stay longer so that we could have a go at waving. We got to see where twin towers once stood and look inside a memorial church place opposite the site. I didn't really understand as well at the time what it was all about.

New York was a really special place, unfortunately I bought a really embarrassing deer hat there (I thought I looked great at the time) so I can't really include so many photos of me, or at least I can't without cringing. Typically me, to go to the coolest place in the world and humiliate myself.

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