Friday, 5 June 2015

Centre Parcs, Holland ǀ 2015

Always, in the May half term, we go to Centre Parcs in Holland. I have had some of the best memories there - I even made a whole scrapbook of the funniest of them last year. Here there is lots to do, my favourite choices are water-skiing (to date my record is six and a half laps of the circuit) and snowboarding although, I didn't do that this time due to already going the Alps recently (click HERE). Instead I attempted wake-boarding which is something I have wanted to try for a while now. Iona decided to do water-skiing as usual, a really high up obstacle course and white water rafting. Pia completed her open water diving qualification so now she has a special card that means that she can do lots of swimming with fish. All of us however, went to the aqua dome and attempted lots of underwater selfies. I would upload them to this post but I think you have to have a certain sense of humour to fully appreciate them. 

Each of the cottages you stay in has a sliding glass door so that you can see all of the ducks and rabbits through it as you eat breakfast. I find that particularly nice even though when eating outside, the ducks realise you have food so they all charge towards you and all you can hear is the splat splat stampede of webbed feet chasing you. 

I love this holiday. You arrive, rent a bike, then go and do the activities you want to. It's great! I succeeded in getting started in wake-boarding after two attempts just falling in. My record isn't far and I can't turn corners or anything yet but it's still progress I guess. I did one session of water-skiing and two of wake-boarding so by the end of the week I was exhausted.  It was lots of fun despite being inconveniently placed in the middle of my exams. I really hope I can go next year.

Iona caught a tadpole
The second session of wake-boarding, er... ignore the sexy yellow helmet
Iona water-skiing

Iona's High Wire Experience
One of Pia's diving lessons
I c u
They all got to go down in a train in the end
The cables at sunset (a guy fell in when I took this)

1 comment:

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