Sunday 11 September 2016

Leeds Festival ǀ 2016

If I reflect up on my whole summer, and take into account my trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Croatia, I still would not be answering truthfully if I were to say that any of these experiences could be compared to going to Leeds festival. This was honestly some of the best fun I have ever had. The decision attend this resulted in me missing sometime in Croatia, and consequentially missing my family having to travel all the way back to England with a dog and a broken down car. Although this would most definitely have been an adventure, I was more than happy to be getting on my two flights back to England (stopping in Dusseldorf on the way) with my friend Emma.

The journey to Leeds consisted of a train, some walking through central Manchester in wellies and then a coach. We had to take turns carrying the tent which had the main purpose of concealing at least a crate's worth of beer. Eventually we arrived at the campsite. At this stage, on the very first night, I knew only one person however by the time the festival was over I was friends with closer to forty. It was such a great experience even though I missed some of the headline acts, and I would love to repeat it. I also think that making so many friends in such a short space of time also improved my confidence little bit too.

Leeds was maybe a hundred times wilder than I expected it to be, it has to have been the craziest week of my life to date. My other summer travels were very different to these five short days but I don't think I would change a single thing about how I chose to spend my summer. I will write about Poland and Vietnam etc. soon, I just chose to write this slightly easier one first.